
How to Poach Entrepreneurs for Your Business 

Pouching Entrepreneurs in Action

When you’re trying to build an amazing agency, your focus should be on finding great talent to round out your team. You might think your best bet is to surround yourself with others that have an entrepreneurial mind. But it is unlikely that you’ll be able to steal away high earners from their own businesses or other interests. 


What you can do, though, is work on poaching lower earning entrepreneurs and bring them into your business. In this blog, we’ll tell you the six-step process to do that. 

Understand Their Why

In the first step of the process, it is important to look at the “why.” What are the person’s short and long-term goals? Recruiting is a lot like sales, and your product is the vision of your agency. You can align with a lower earning entrepreneur because you understand the struggles they face and the barriers to their long-term goals. By understanding what’s preventing them from getting where they want to be, you can help open the door to get them there. 

Plant the Seed

In the next step, it’s time to plant the seed and float the idea of how your agency can be beneficial to them. In the short-term, make them comfortable in doing a trial run with your business. Once you have shown the benefits of your agency and have them hooked, you’re in business. 

Pitch the Idea

Once you think you’ve hooked them with the benefits of your agency, it’s time to lean into your small pitch. Don’t sell them on the big vision just yet. Make sure you get them interested. Selling them on your vision and how you can rapidly drive change can help build trust. 

Handle Objections

Seek out and handle objections. Because they see themselves as an entrepreneur, there may be some hesitations to partnering up that will need addressing. Preemptively seek out and handle their concerns. Ask questions about any apprehension they might have in the partnership and what success looks like to them. Find out their idea of a perfect partner so you are more aware of what you can or can’t do to make the partnership happen.


Nurture the Seed

Timing is everything when building a partnership, so you’ll need to be patient and show that you’re willing to wait. The right opportunity for partnership might come later or with a longer trial run. Taking the time to nurture the seed will help build trust. 

Close The Deal

The final step is to close that deal. If you’ve hit the five points above, closing the deal is all that is left. Once you have run the trial, sit them down and build a one-year plan that outlines how you’ll help them achieve their personal and professional goals. Make it clear that your leadership can help get them where they need to be. 

Snag the Right Talent

Are you ready to learn more about how to snag the right talent to build your agency income to eight figures? The experienced and motivated team at 8 Figure Agency is here to guide and support you. Schedule a free consultation today to learn how to reach the next level of agency management.



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