How to Demand Greatness via Your Agency Management and Training

Demand Greatness Through Your Agency Management

It’s a cold, hard fact that 99% of agency owners just don’t know how to demand greatness from their team. Conveying your expectations without coming off as harsh is a hidden skill that separates the average agency owner from one that can become a seven or eight-figure agency. When it comes to demanding greatness, your agency training and agency management techniques are key opportunities to instill passion and operational excellence in your team.

Doing this is easy if you remember three key points: Mission, vision, and purpose. Let’s dive in. 


Without a defined mission, no one in your organization will succeed no matter how great you are at agency management and agency training. Your mission should be a short statement that demonstrates exactly the need your business is trying to fill in the marketplace; for instance, “Help 1,000 agency owners remove themselves from their day-to-day operations.” Your mission is a means to express a short-term (but big) business goal. 


The vision of your organization should paint a vivid mental picture of how you see your business in the future based on your goals and aspirations. Essentially, your vision encapsulates the long-term goal you want to achieve. A vision statement might be, “Empower 1 million agency founders to build seven and eight-figure businesses using our frameworks on management and culture.” Your vision gives your business a clear focus and can prevent your organization from heading in the wrong direction. 


Your agency’s purpose is the reason you exist and should be at the core of everything you do. As an example, your purpose might be, “To change the way the world works.” The statement doesn’t have to be as specific as your mission and vision, but it needs to be at the heart of your agency management and underpin everything you do on a day-to-day basis.  

Putting MVP Into Practice

When you have an MVP you truly believe in, demanding greatness comes easily. Your agency training is the first opportunity you have to broadcast the culture of your organization to new employees. MVP should be a key concept in any kind of agency training. During training, you have your team as a captive audience. Use this time to help the team fully understand why they are there and what the collective is trying to achieve. 

Whenever an employee walks away from agency training or a retraining session, they should be inspired to take the MVP and put it into practice in their work each and every day. Your agency management style should also be built around your MVP so there are no wasted opportunities to drive the point home.   

The Bottom Line on Demanding Greatness 

Once your organization is all on the same page about MVP, you can use these principles to redirect focus and reinforce your expectations of greatness. When done correctly, you can demand greatness while honoring an organizational culture where everyone feels valued and appreciated. 

Be an MVP

Are you ready to build an agency training and agency management style that demands greatness and drives your agency over eight figures? The experienced and motivated team at 8 Figure Agency is here to guide and support you. Schedule a free consultation today to learn how to reach the next level of agency management.


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